Brown Recluses in Greenville, SC

brown recluse spider

Have you ever encountered a brown recluse spider in Greenville, South Carolina? These venomous arachnids are particularly common in the southeastern United States, including right here in Greenville. Read on to learn more about brown recluses, their bites, and how to get rid of them.

Where Do Brown Recluse Spiders Live in Greenville?

Brown recluses are not prevalent in all areas of the Carolinas, but they are here in Greenville and the rest of Western North and South Carolina. While brown recluses can be found throughout the area, they are most commonly found in wooded areas, particularly those with tall trees and thick underbrush. They prefer dark, secluded spaces, so look out for them in the following spots in your home:

  • Attics and basements
  • Shoes in your closet
  • Outdoor sheds
  • Garages
  • Woodpiles

Brown Recluse Bites

Brown recluse bites are very problematic, especially for children. Brown recluse bites look like a red, swollen area with a dark brownish-purple center. They may cause fever, chills, nausea, and muscle aches. While these bites can cause severe symptoms, there has never been a verified fatality caused by them.

Brown Recluse Bite Stages

Brown recluse bites go through a few different stages of symptoms and severity:

  1. At first, there is typically no pain at the bite. Within a few hours, mild pain and redness begin.
  2. Within 2-8 hours, the area then becomes more painful and swollen, sometimes with a distinct bullseye appearance. 
  3. In severe cases, the tissue around the bite will become dark and necrosis will occur within 24-72 hours. This is when the tissue starts to die.

It’s important to seek medical attention immediately if you have been bitten by a brown recluse.

Brown Recluse Look-Alikes

Some spiders can resemble brown recluses, but not all of them are dangerous. Here in Greenville, our climate is the perfect home to a wide variety of insects and spiders, so it can be easy to get them all confused. Here are a few spiders that look like brown recluses: 

  • Wolf spiders
  • Common house spiders
  • Hobo spiders

Brown recluses are differentiated by their dark, violin-shaped markings on their back. However, this marking is not on young brown recluses and develops as they age.

How to Get Rid of Brown Recluses 

If you’re looking for a few simple ways to prevent brown recluses at home, there are a few things you can try. However, if you are dealing with brown recluses and not just common house spiders, you need to call a professional pest control company. Brown recluse bites are too venomous to rely on DIY spider control. However, here are a few things you can do to prevent them:

  • Keep clutter to a minimum, especially in the areas where brown recluses are commonly found.
  • Vacuum regularly to remove any spiders, webs, or eggs.
  • Seal up any cracks or gaps around windows, doors, and other entry points.
  • Use sticky traps or glue boards to capture any spiders that may be lurking around your home.

Call ProCore for Greenville Spider Control

Protect your Greenville home from brown recluses and other spiders today with ProCore Pest Control. We service cities all over South Carolina, protecting communities from brown recluses, black widows, and every spider in between. For Greenville exterminators you can trust, contact us today.

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